“This is the first time in ten years we’ve been able to take our child to a social event.”
-Jill S.
“It was an amazing feeling.”
-Kristi F.
“My son said this was the best experience of his life; he never shows that kind of emotion.”
-Debra K.
“We cannot express enough how wonderful the day was for our family.”
-Alan F.
“We didn’t feel like we stood out.”
-Rachael B.
“I had to fight the tears because I was so proud...”
-Mary B.
“Thank you so much.”
-B. Kaufman

This clearly was a beautiful experience – one that more children, autistic or not, should have.
W.Schubert, Professor and University Scholar, Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
No matter what [my students] did, no matter how they acted, no matter what they said- they were accepted and they felt they could be who they are!
J.Minkus, Edison Park Elementary, Special Education Teacher
There are really not words to describe out experience at Red Kite! I was brought to tears watching my son experience camping, singing, make believe and humor in a way he would find magical. Usually, the world is too loud, too bright and just plain hard to maneuver. So, to have this experience where I could just sit back and watch him smile, participate and enjoy drama and pretend play was magical. Thank you all so much! We love Red Kite!
- Andrea K.
My daughter had a wonderful time! On the train ride home, she asked if we could come back the next day!!
- Nancy O.
We are on the battlefront 24/7, it’s nice to be able to take them places that we don't have to apologize for who they are.
- Sharon C.
I was so impressed. Every kid [was] able to be themselves. The staff was wonderful with getting the kids involved. Even if a child wanted to sit by their parent or guardian...they were approached and included! Loved it!
- Marshelle L.
It means so much that we had a fun experience to take our son to on a dreary winter day in a place where there was complete acceptance and warmth. Thank you!
- Kelly S.
I wish [we] could do this more often.
- Luisa M.
From the moment I called the first time until we left [the adventure], I was treated with warmth. It was simply wonderful!!
- Seona P.