Chicago Children’s Theatre has evolved as both a professional and personal response to the lack of a Chicago company dedicated exclusively to providing high-quality, professional year-round children’s programming. Since its founding, Chicago Children’s Theatre has rigorously pursued its mission to enrich our communities through diverse and significant theatrical programming that engages and inspires the child in all of us.
After the success of its launch production of A Year With Frog and Toad in January 2006 at Goodman Theatre, Chicago Children’s Theatre charged ahead with its 2006/2007 Inaugural Season. The first full season of production programming included four plays: Ray Bradbury’s Dandelion Wine at Steppenwolf Theatre, 4-Ish at Harris Theater, Go, Dog. Go! under the Big Top in Grant Park, and Honus and Me at Goodman Theatre. There has been tremendous critical and popular support of Chicago Children’s Theatre and its audience continues to grow. In just over one year more than 40,000 youth and families have attended its productions.
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